ISBN-10: 1845505123
ISBN-13: 978-1845505127
Purchase at: Amazon.com / ChristianBook.com
‘A thankless task.’ ‘A waste of time.’ Two of the ways worn out people have described the Christian training of children. You don’t have to feel that way! In this book you will find encouragement, practical help and biblical principles. You will also go away with a new vision of the importance of the work in which you are involved. C.H Spurgeon shows us that telling young people about Jesus is the most important task given to anyone, be they parent, teacher or youth leader.

ISBN: 0883689596
ISBN-13: 9780883689592
Purchase at: Amazon.com / ChristianBook.com
Your child is worth all the time, money, heartaches, and effort because your child can make a difference in this world. From the depths of his God-given wisdom, Charles Spurgeon shows how you can establish a secure, nurturing, Christ-centered home in which to grow strong, healthy, happy families. Here is encouragement and advice to parents on guiding the spiritual development of children from infancy through young adulthood.
Just as a person could be fascinated with recipes in a cookbook and yet die of starvation, so one can be fascinated with biblical ‘recipes’ for successful living and still remain spiritually malnourished! Food for Faith is a biblical manual written to help you digest the Word of God from your hand – to your head – to your heart.
The Bible informs us that God has set eternity in the hearts of men. It follows, therefore, that since men were made for eternity the things of time can never fully and permanently satisfy. There is an endless emptiness which only God can fill. St. Augustine stated it perfectly when he declared, “O God, Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our souls are restless till they rest in Thee.” Your Quest for God helps us to follow that quest until we find rest in a living and personal relationship with the Eternal God.
The Bible informs us that God has set eternity in the hearts of men. It follows, therefore, that since men were made for eternity the things of time can never fully and permanently satisfy. There is an endless emptiness which only God can fill. St. Augustine stated it perfectly when he declared, “O God, Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our souls are restless till they rest in Thee.” Your Quest for God helps us to follow that quest until we find rest in a living and personal relationship with the Eternal God.

ISBN-10: 0883680459
ISBN-13: 978-0883680452
Purchase at: Amazon.com / ChristianBook.com
Children are gifts from the Lord. In this practical guide to parenting, Andrew Murray show the essential qualities of being a parent who loves the Lord. Christians desire that their children grow up and live as followers of Christ. In this book, you will find biblical advice and God’s promises on how you can shape and mold the lives of your children for eternity!

Publisher: David C. Cook; New edition (October 27, 2005)
ISBN-10: 0781441528
ISBN-13: 978-0781441520
Purchase at: Amazon.com / ChristianBook.com
If you’re like most parents, you have developed your own parenting strategy—sometimes it seems to work, and other times—based on the way your child behaves—you wonder if it’s working at all. There are countless ways to try to get a child’s attention and to effect change—but here’s the truth—unless you deal with a child through his or her heart, you are not likely to see lasting change.
In this breakthrough book, Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN, reveal how you can learn to truly reach your child’s heart to teach, train, and build a tremendous relationship.
Parenting is Heart Work gives you the practical tools an easy-to-follow steps that will revolutionize how you:
- Turn Correction times into learning experiences.
- Equip your children to accept responsibility for their mistakes and meditate on the right things.
- Influence and adjust the values and beliefs your children hold.
- Maintain relationship with your children through love and emotional connectedness.

Publisher: Shaw Books; Later Printing edition (October 17, 2000)
ISBN-10: 0877883548
ISBN-13: 978-0877883548
Purchase at: Amazon.com / ChristianBook.com
Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller offer a thorough program for establishing honor as a basis of family life — not just children honoring parents, but parents respecting children and children honoring each other. Even if honor seems a long way off in your household, you will find practical suggestions here to bring that goal a little closer — suggestions for kids of all ages. Honor is the biblical value that will bring about good behavior. It’s more than just changing what kids do; it’s changing the deeper issues of the heart that triggered the behavior.