This website and its content is copyright of Calvary Curriculum
Regarding the curriculum found on this site: We encourage you to print/photocopy our curriculum for your home, classroom, church, outreach, or event. However, because the copyright on our curriculum is extremely important for us to maintain if we are to continue providing high quality curriculum, we need for you to abide by several guidelines if you intend to use our material in this way.
- First, you may NOT make money from our curriculum by selling it OR charge in any way, even to recoup your costs.
- Second, you cannot make changes to our curriculum or republish it.
- Finally, we are very appreciative that you may like our curriculum and other content on our site enough to place it on your website, broadcast it, re-publish it in digital or traditional formats, or store it in an electronic database for future use. However, you may not perform any of these tasks without first receiving the written permission of Calvary Curriculum.
Regarding PRINTING the curriculum and other resources found on Calvary Curriculum: You have our permission to print our materials in the convenience of your home -OR- to take to your nearby printer (i.e. FedEx Office, Staples, Office Depot, or ANY other printer you desire) and print it there, as long as you adhere to the above policies. PRINT this page and bring it with you to your printers.
Regarding LINKS to Calvary Curriculum: You have our permission to place a link to our webpage on your website. All we ask is that you email us with that location of that link so we can keep it in our records. But as stated in the above paragraph you may not host or place any of our copyrighted materials on your site. If you have any questions please contact us using the button below.